‎GEN Gematria Calculator on the App Store > 자유게시판

‎GEN Gematria Calculator on the App Store

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작성일 23-06-20 11:40


Gematria is a method in which numbers are assigned to letters, words, and phrases. It is to find hidden meanings and relationships between words. Gematria has a long history with its roots going back to ancient Hebrew, Roman, and Greek cultures. With the written findings of ancient times, gematria has gained popularity to uncover and explore deeper meanings of that text. Thelemistas.org offers a free online gematria calculator for English gematria. It shows on the screen a table covering the numerical values of the alphabet as per the English Ordinal gematria. Below that, you get an input section along with a clear button. There is a list of other gematria ciphers covering English, Greek, Roman, Hebrew, and other gematria. When you do that, it instantly gets you the numerical value for your input in Jewish/Hebrew gematria. It does not give you a character-by-character breakdown of the gematria. However, it does include a table showing the value of each English alphabet.